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Get ready to discover the captivating world of programming with Scratch. From basic to advanced concepts, we'll embark on exciting adventures in the realms of Wither, Steve, Angry Birds Island, and Forza Horizon tracks.



Per Installment 672٫00 AED


one time payment (discount 189AED) 2٬499٫00 AED

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Scratch is the ultimate educational language for children to learn coding. With its visually intuitive interface, it allows for the creation of interactive stories, animations, and games. Our classes cover not only Scratch, but also App Inventor for Android, KODU for 3D game creation, and Python with Minecraft. Our online class offers a personalized learning experience unlike any other. Each student has direct access to the teacher's screen and can communicate through voice, ensuring any questions are answered promptly and every error is identified and fixed. This is not just another webinar or YouTube course.

Plan of the course

The aim of the lesson is to show what coding is, how to create games and what coding languages are. The second goal is to implement SCRATCH by creating the first game in this environment - Minecraft.
The aim of the lesson is to familiarize students with the category "Marker". Creating algorithms to draw geometric figures. An additional goal is to create a Scratch account in order to enable presentation of their projects on the Internet.
During the lesson there will be a game consisting of moving the batiscope and shooting down underwater beasts. Cloning properties will be shown.
The aim of the lesson is to create a T-rex game, which is known from the Google Chrome browser and can be run when we have no internet connection.
This lesson is a continuation of the previous one.
The aim of the lesson is to create a Flappy Bird game. Creating a dynamically changing background.
The aim of the lesson is to consolidate the message block function and to familiarize with the category "More blocks". Create your block.
This lesson is a continuation of the previous one.
The aim of the lesson is to create a Racing project.
This lesson is a continuation of the previous one.
The aim of the lesson is to create an extensive multiplayer game.
This lesson is a continuation of the previous one.
The aim of the lesson is to summarize the material from the first semester (first 45 minutes) and to introduce the KODU platform (second 45 minutes).
You wonder what awaits you next year. We are already serving a foretaste of what we have prepared for you - creating an application for the phone. Grab your smartphone in your hand and we go!